Writing for Humans and Robots: Rules for Content

Speaker: Maddy Osman, Author and Founder at The Blogsmith

Webinar Date: June 15, 2022 at 11:00 AM PT

Maddy Osman shares battle-tested lessons learned for creating consistent, high-quality content at scale. Developing a proprietary style guide that bridges the gap between what humans want to read and how robots process information is what made it possible to scale The Blogsmith to a team of 25+. If your team hasn’t yet established baseline style rules, you won’t want to miss this actionable session with takeaways to reduce your team’s time and effort spent editing.

What You’ll Learn:

  • How to choose words that don’t unintentionally alienate readers
  • How to thoughtfully incorporate formatting for readability and indexability
  • Writing titles and subheadings for humans and robots
  • How to effectively use visuals to improve the reader experience

You can watch a recording of the webinar below:

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