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Hypelife Brands

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“I’m the kind of guy that’s interested in the long-game. I plan, I prepare, I build.

Trends are great, too. I mean, hey, I’m a father, so I get trends and how much fun they can be. But they never last, and that’s what drives me. Relevancy over the long-term. Staying power. That’s what really drives me as an entrepreneur.

I was drawn to HypeLife for exactly that reason—their history of creating and developing brands that are, and will be, relevant for the long-term. I’ve had the idea in my head for HUDL Music since the first time I set foot in the studio to record a track. And like I said earlier, I’m always planning, always preparing. So I had a pretty good idea of the brand I wanted to build.

During the early discussions about—what came to be known as—HUDL Music’s vision, the HypeLife team quickly grasped the vision I’d honed over the years, and even gave ideas to elevate it right there, on the spot, before making a commitment of work. That’s staying power.

Their commitment to HUDL Music and my original vision never wavered, and they took it too a place that’s better than anything I’d ‘built’ in my head. For that, and so many other reasons, I’m so excited about continuing our partnership with HypeLife and working to grow HUDL into a brand that stands the test of time.”

– Lashion Robinson, Founder & CEO, HUDL Music


“When I found HypeLife, I had an instant feeling of “This could be the agency for us” the moment I came across their website. Everything spoke to my company needs…where we’re at now, and how we need to grow and evolve.

From there, it was the initial two hour conversation with the Founder, Curt, that helped me decide to finally choose HypeLife as our team/agency-of-choice. His passion and knowledge to help brands and companies achieve sold me.

The work in researching and developing a strategy for my company before I even signed the agreement was proof in the pudding for me!”

– Nadine Ramos, Founder & CEO, LASIO Professional Haircare


“After years of struggling with companies that were unprofessional and wasted my time and money, I was on the verge of throwing in the towel. Then I came across Curt and the HypeLife Brands team.

From the very first email and subsequent phone conversations, Curt seemed to get It: literally everything I had been through and what I was trying to accomplish. I was actually thinking they might be too good to be true. However, after nearly three years now of having HypeLife on our team, the results have been amazing!

Our website registrations, traffic and participation have steadily increased, our social media following (which is very important to our brand and was a huge struggle for us to manage on our own) has gone from an audience of less than 1,500 to over 58,000 followers (and not the paid-for garbage). This has also produced an increase in overall activity on our website that is both global and high quality, and really helped us build a focused community.

Curt and his team are professional, extremely knowledgable, consistent and genuinely care about our company/brand, and our long-term success.

I highly recommend HypeLife Brands. I am very passionate about my company, our mission, and our long term visions. Curt and his team are an integral part of finally seeing it come to life, the way I had dreamed it would be years ago, before finding them.”

– Alison Pandelos, Managing Director, GROM-IT


“From day one with HypeLife, the scope of engagement has been very clear. “Professional” sums it up in one word, to say the least.

As we embarked on building our startup from ground zero, engaging HypeLife from the beginning helped us not only in putting together both the backend and frontend of the technology side for GoodFetch, but also in building a strong, compelling brand identity.

By engaging HypeLife for the full package, their team has delivered on both ends of what was needed, and all the details required in-between.

I’m highly confident in recommending their team as well-qualified to do the same for other businesses and startups.”

– Harvey Kong, Founder, GoodFetch

For a complete list of Testimonials from HypeLife Brands’ clients, visit