Administration Screens

What is Administration Screens in WordPress

Administration screens are different areas within the WordPress admin area. We use the term ‘screen’ instead of referring to them as pages to clear up any confusion users might have between an admin screen and pages (which is a post type that can be created, edited, or deleted by users).

The administration screens’ top menu bar has quick links to a different user and administrative tasks, while the left vertical menu bar contains summary information for things like comments. The top bar may also display valuable links from installed plugins alongside the site name and a link to the homepage. You might also see the Admin bar on your website’s front end. Don’t worry; only you can see this, not your users. On the left is an admin sidebar with tabs leading to different screens of WordPress. Most of these tabs have sub-menus called sub-panels.

WordPress administrators have a lot of control over what users can do on the site. Site admins can access everything, while users only have limited access to their own profile settings. Depending on the user’s permissions, they may also be able to create, edit, and delete posts and publish or save them as drafts. Not only can users edit template files, but they can also access the CSS code to change website fonts, colors, and other formatting options. Plus, many plugin settings and options appear in the left panel.

Where is the WordPress Admin Screen?

The WordPress admin dashboard is located at by default.

If you have yet to log into the admin dashboard, appending “/wp-admin” will not direct you to the login page. You can go to the login URL by visiting: For safety measures, it is recommended that users change the default login URL from its generic form, which makes hacking easier.

How to Use the WordPress Admin Screen

After you log into the WordPress admin area, you can begin controlling your WordPress site. Each Administration Screen is set up in sections: the toolbar and header, main navigation, work area, and footer. This makes it easy to find what you need and where everything is located.

The sidebar provides several options, including:

  • Creating a new blog post under the Posts menu
  • You can manage how your website looks by choosing themes in the Appearance menu.
  • Control all aspects of your website, including Plugins, Settings, Users, Comments, and more.

WordPress also has “Screen Options” in the top right-hand corner, allowing users to personalize the look and function of Admin panels. Furthermore, WordPress gives a detailed description of every section’s features and options.

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