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Alternatives to RV Site Builder

RV Site Builder is no longer available in the GreenGeeks cPanel. Instead, we provide a more modern alternative, SitePad Website Builder. If you built a site built with RV Site Builder and need to maintain it, there are tutorials available on their website that can help.

If you prefer to tinker and DIY rather than using a WYSIWYG website creator, we suggest that you look into a couple of other free website platforms that allow you to build more sophisticated websites: Joomla and Drupal. Both of the platforms have extensive knowledge bases and community forums.

To install either Joomla or Drupal, you can reference our tutorials:
How to Install Joomla Using Softaculous
How to Install Drupal on GreenGeeks

Another option which is more sophisticated than a WYSIWYG site builder but less so than Joomla and Drupal is WordPress. You know WordPress as easy to use blog software, but you can also use it to build a web site. Learn more about WordPress and their community.

If you already have a WordPress blog or website, we’ll transfer it to GreenGeeks, free of charge.

If you already have a GreenGeeks account, check out How to Install WordPress Using Softaculous.

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