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  4. How to Create a New MySQL Database and MySQL Database User

How to Create a New MySQL Database and MySQL Database User

There are two ways to create a MySQL database and user in cPanel, this article will take you through the steps for the quickest method, using the MySQL® Database Wizard.

Log in to GreenGeeks and go to cPanel by clicking the “cPanel Login” button in the “Quick Server Login” section.

GreenGeeks dashboard click to log in to cPanel

In the “DATABASES” section, click the “MySQL® Database Wizard” link or icon.

cPanel select section DATABASES mysql wizard

Create the MySQL Database

Under “Step 1: Create A Database” in the “New Database” field, enter the database name and click the “Next Step” button. A prefix (ggexample_) is required and the prefix field is pre-populated. Your database name will include the prefix and underscore.

cPanel create mysql database step 1

Create the MySQL Database User

Under “Step 2: Create Database Users” in the “Username” field, enter the database user name. A prefix (ggexample_) is required and the prefix field is pre-populated. Your database user name will include the prefix and underscore.

Enter a password or passphrase. Note that the system will analyze your password or passphrase and reject it with a “password strength” error if it is too short or not sufficiently complex.

Click the “Create User” button.

cPanel create mysql database step 2

Add the User to the MySQL Database and Grant User Permissions

You can select individual permissions for the new database user, but for most common applications you will want to give the user all permissions. To do that, check the “ALL PRIVILEGES” box and click the “Next Step” button.

cPanel create mysql database step 3

That’s it. You can now connect an application to the database.

To manage your database(s) and user(s), log back into cPanel, and in the “DATABASES” section, click the “MySQL® Databases” link or icon.

Panel select section DATABASES mysql

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