Too Hot for Humans

3 Billion People Could Live in Areas too Hot for Humans by 2070

A new report has found that if the planet continues to warm at its current rate for the next 50 years, it could be too hot for humans in many areas of the world. The report states that the heat could affect between 1 and 3 billion residents.

And with such a large group of people, it is not possible for all of them to live somewhere else.

The report found that for every 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit increase, 1 billion people will be forced to move or be forced to adapt to extreme heat. Unfortunately, as many people may realize, it would be almost impossible to relocate 1 billion people, let alone 3 billion.

Instead, the world needs to avoid this outcome.

Temperature Volatility

One point that the report makes clear is that the recent temperature changes are abnormal. The temperature will change more in the next 50 years than it has in the last 6,000. And there is really only one explanation, climate change.

For decades now, the world has been warned about the dangers of greenhouse gasses. They are the source of global warming, yet even with these warnings backed with science, the world has ignored them. The worst part is that there are many green alternatives available, but we do not use them.

And as a result, we have an all-time high of carbon in the atmosphere.

This Is Completely Avoidable

Avoid the Issue

An important thing that is oftentimes forgotten about in these types of reports is that it is completely avoidable. The report is based on if we continue releasing emissions at our current level.

With many nations around the world pledging to do more, there is a good chance that we can lower emissions.

However, it is worth noting that so far all of these pledges have only seen minor decreases in emissions in smaller countries. Most major countries that make pledges do not keep them. In fact, many of these countries are on the rise when it comes to emissions.

Global changes need to be made soon before Earth becomes too hot for humans to live on.

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