Call Reviews Are Important

Hello Everyone,

I’ll be making regular blog posts about what we’re up to here at GreenGeeks and how we tackle customer service differently from other companies.

One of my jobs as a customer service supervisor is to monitor a series of calls from each of our agents and rate them using a list of criteria that we have established each week. This is nothing really new in the world of call centres and customer service. However, I find that fewer and fewer hosting companies are implementing this as a way of evaluating their staff. I believe this process is important for a number of reasons:

  • It eliminates issues at the source rather than seeing angry emails from customers when it is too late.
  • It lets the agents know exactly what management is looking for in the perfect call scenario.
  • It gives the agents the idea that any call may be scrutinized, so they should be acting professionally during every second throughout the call.

The use of call reviews has resulted in a number of great successes for us:

  • Each call follows the same format so regardless of whom you speak with in the company, you know your call experience is going to be the same.
  • Emails about call issues have decreased
  • Agents seem happier being able to get a precise gauge of how they are doing each week.

If your company deals with as many calls as we do each day and you are not doing regular analysis of random calls, I recommend you open up Excel and start defining what you are looking for in terms of call flow and call resolution.  Here are a few of the criteria that we look for. Notice that they are quite broad, but touch on critical issues that we needed to get right on each call:

  • Did the agent thank the customer for calling and mention their name?
  • Did the agent confirm relevant account information and authenticate the caller?
  • Did the agent answer the questions properly and offer the best solution?

We use these and many other criteria in determining a grade for each call. We have found that this model has greatly improved customer satisfaction at GreenGeeks. It is just one of the ways that we take customer service seriously here.

Kindest Regards,



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