
Scientists Warn That UN Sustainability Development Goals Are Harmful

After researching the effects of the current Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) by the UN, scientists have found that they are more harmful than helpful. This is mainly due to them not being strict enough to facilitate the necessary changes needed to fight climate change.

The SDG was intended to be a blueprint that each nation could follow to achieve the desired results. However, there are many clauses and rules in place that prioritize economical advances despite the clear environmental consequences.

As a result, nations that adhere to this blueprint have made very little progress if any at all.

The Results


The report found that only 7% of nations were seeing positive effects from these guidelines. However, 14% of countries are experiencing the opposite. And the majority of 79% have seen almost no positives or negatives.

What this indicates is that these guidelines are not significant enough to make a difference. Stricter guidelines and enforcement must be in place to see more positive changes in the fight against climate change.

The research also found a connection between expanding the human population and threats to nature. As a result, over changes to 75% of the Earth’s surface have caused a population decline in over 1 million species.

What If This Continues

If the world continues on the current path, the world will not achieve its climate goals. As a result, climate conditions will continue to worsen and the planet will warm to an unadaptable level.

However, the fact that these Sustainability Development Goals exist in the first place is nothing to scoff at. These guidelines can be revised and updated now that sufficient information has come out to disprove their effectiveness, but that still leaves the question. Will humans revise the plan?

Given the current state of the world, this will probably not happen for some time. However, with green projects being a strong candidate to be the spark of economic recovery, there is hope.

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