What Is VPS Hosting

What is VPS Hosting and When You Would Want It

VPS is actually short for “Virtual Private Server.” Aside from a solid shared hosting plan, VPS hosting is probably among the most popular hosting services you can choose for your website. This type of hosting uses virtualization technology that provides you with resources on a server that has multiple users.

What is a VPS?

To put it in terms that are easier to understand, a VPS Hosting setup splits one powerful server into multiple virtual units. While the one server does have multiple users, there is a spot on it reserved specifically for only you. Private is exactly what it means, as you will not have to share RAM, CPU, or any other type of data with other users on the server.

Let’s dig deeper and talk about VPS Hosting and when you may want to get it for your website.

How Does VPS Hosting Work?

What VPS Hosting actually does is simulates or gives you the experience and feeling that you are on a dedicated server. This happens despite the fact that you are still sharing the physical server with other users.

Here is how it works. Basically, the web-hosting provider will install a virtual layer on top of the operating system (OS) of the server using the aforementioned virtualization technology.

Doing this separates the physical server into individual compartments that now have virtual walls. These separate virtual walls in the VPS Server allow each user to install their own OS and software.

Since a Virtual Private Server separates all of your files from other users on the OS level, it gives you the full private server experience. This means that your website is now in a secure container area that is private and dedicated to only you. You are guaranteed resources like memory, disk space, and CPU cores. You will not have to share these with anyone else.

With VPS Hosting, you are essentially getting the same type of root-level access that you would get with a dedicated server, but getting it at a much lower cost.

Comparing VPS to Other Types of Hosting

Web Hosting

There are actually several different types of web hosting available. Each allows different levels of performance and customization on your server. They all vary in things like pricing, uptime, speed, performance, page load times, and overall service.

Let’s take a look at some other types of web hosting available.

Shared Hosting

Shared Hosting is the perfect solution for website owners who have websites with low traffic. This type of hosting is actually the starting point for most small business websites and blogs. It is very popular and usually what someone purchases when they are first searching for web hosting.

When you select a shared hosting plan, you are actually sharing a physical server with all the other clients that the web hosting company has as well. You may be offered a certain amount of bandwidth , storage, and disk space, but you are still sharing these resources with others. You do not get dedicated resources provided to you like you would with VPS Hosting.

Shared hosting is still very solid, especially with the right provider. It just does not provide you with a private, dedicated resource system.

Cloud Hosting

If you choose Cloud Hosting, you actually do not use a single server, but you use a cluster that runs in the Cloud. Every server in the cluster that is running in the cloud will store a copy of your website that is up-to-date.

When one of the servers gets too busy with traffic spikes, the cluster will automatically redirect traffic to a different server in the cluster. This usually means better page load times and no downtime. There will always be a server in the cluster that can serve up all requests coming from website traffic.

This is another popular hosting solution, and can provide you with a lot of upside. Cloud hosting is usually more expensive, though.

WordPress Hosting

WordPress Hosting is specifically designed to offer hosting to people who use WordPress, just like it sounds. This type of hosting will come with a set of specific features that you will only be able to use and take advantage of if you have a WordPress website.

Some of these features may include things like one-click installation, pre-installed plugins, or a WP command-line interface. These servers are specifically designed for all WordPress needs. It should also be noted that WordPress Hosting is also part of a shared hosting setup. Though if you want to, you can definitely choose VPS Hosting for your WordPress website.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated Hosting is basically you paying for an entire physical server to host your business or other types of websites. A Dedicated Hosting setup is most ideal for very high traffic websites that suck up a lot of resources.

A Dedicated Hosting setup gives you tons of flexibility, they are fully customizable, and are often exceptionally fast. However, it will come with a much heftier price tag.

VPS Hosting will allow you to choose and configure your operating system and server applications. However, Dedicated Hosting will let you go even further. With the ability to configure all the software and hardware, the entire server is also yours and you can run it from wherever you would like.

Pros and Cons of VPS Hosting

Pros And Cons

As is the case with most anything you are researching to make an educated decision, there are both pros and cons of VPS Hosting. Running a Virtual Private Server may be the most ideal thing for you. However, let’s take a look at some benefits and drawbacks of VPS Hosting.


Running a VPS Server environment comes with a lot of pros. Some of them include:

  • It is faster and more reliable than a Shared Hosting environment.
  • All of the server resources available in the VPS plan you choose are guaranteed.
  • There is little to no fluctuation in the resources available.
  • Traffic surges and other issues on the server will not affect you.
  • You get much more privacy and security. All files and databases are locked from other users.
  • VPS Hosting is easy to scale. If your site gets bigger and you need more resources, then you can easily upgrade resources like RAM, CPU, disk space, and bandwidth.


Even though VPS Servers have a ton of upsides, there are also some cons that you should be aware of. Here are some of those things that affect VPS Hosting:

  • Higher pricing. It is more expensive than a Shared Hosting setup.
  • It will require you to have more technical knowledge to be able to run it properly (though many VPS Hosting setups are managed).
  • If you configure the setup the wrong way, it can lead to security vulnerabilities.

When Should You Switch to VPS Hosting?

When To Switch Hosting

There are several things you want to look at before making the decision on whether or not switching to VPS Hosting is right for you. One main thing to consider is if your website outgrows all the resources available on a high-end Shared Hosting plan, then it is probably time to move on to a VPS Server.

Other things you want to think about when considering a possible switch include:

More Security Features

Worried about possible security issues you are already facing? A jump to VPS Hosting can really help. A Virtual Private Server will give you:

  • Enhanced Security Features
  • Advanced Monitoring Capabilities
  • More Backup Space
  • Improved Website Reliability
  • More Security For Online Payments

A jump to VPS will definitely improve overall security.

Website Traffic is Rapidly Increasing

If your website has started experiencing significant traffic increases, then it may be time to make the move. High traffic volume on a shared server can significantly slow your website down, or even worse, crash your server. VPS Hosting can easily handle these high traffic spikes.

Website is Already Running Slowly

High spikes in traffic are not the only reason a website can run slowly. As you add more content over time, your website will grow and use larger amounts of RAM. You will start seeing page load speeds slow down because you are pushing your available limits. Making a switch will allow you to easily scale this and get your site running smoothly again.

Your Website Has an Online Store

If you plan on running an online store, or already have one running, then you should already have switched to VPS. Why? You will have a secure and dedicated Virtual Private Server where you are more likely to pass a PCI compliance test. Furthermore, as mentioned above, much better security when dealing with personal information and online payments.

You Keep Getting Server Errors

Have you been experiencing “Internal Server Errors?” Are you receiving “Service Unavailable Errors?” If you are seeing these type of messages often, then chances are website visitors and customers are as well. Of course, you can diagnose downtime issues with your hosting provider, but switching to VPS Hosting will also take care of this.

Other things you may want to consider when thinking about moving to VPS include:

  • VPS is pricier, but not nearly as expensive as a dedicated server.
  • You Need to Install Custom Software
  • You are a developer that builds websites for clients.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know more about VPS Hosting and all that it covers, you can make a more educated decision on whether or not it is right for you. A Virtual Private Server will fully control and guarantee your resources.

This is a perfect selection for websites with medium to high traffic or eCommerce websites running a full-blown online store. You will experience little to no downtime for your website, and the privacy you get from other server users can’t be overstated.

I hope that you better understand VPS Hosting now. This should have given you some good insight into how it works and why it is beneficial for you. If you have more questions, feel free to check out the Support Center at any time.

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