WordCamp Panama City 2019

WordCamp Panama City

Be sure you don’t miss out on WordCamp Panama City 2019 held at the Technology University of Panama in Panama City. This great location is one of the most academic locales in the city and attracts a vast array of those in technological fields.

And while you’re there, be sure to speak with our very own Ericka Barboza who will be there to answer questions and hand out some awesome swag!

What to Expect at WordCamp Panama City 2019

This year, WordCamp Panama has a lot going for it in terms of engaging sessions. And there are plenty that I would love to attend myself. I hope Ericka has a chance to sit in on some of these.

For instance, you’ll find:

  • Crowdfunding
    Crowdfunding is an incredible way to generate cash flow for certain projects. If done right, it can help get things off the ground and become successful. Boris Wainberg will go over how to do this the right way.
  • Chatbots – Supporting Digital Transformation
    Chatbots can be a blessing when you’re trying to connect with consumers or otherwise help someone on your site. Sit in with Miguel Diaz to find out how they can benefit you.
  • How to Create a Secure Password and How to Use 2-Step Authentication
    Security is always a concern in today’s world. Samantha Arburola will discuss how to strengthen your passwords and implement 2-Factor authorization for enhanced safety.
  • AI in 21st Century Business
    Artificial Intelligence is everywhere. And Nessim Btesh will go over how to use it to your advantage in a business setting.
  • How to Get Involved with the WordPress Community
    What list would be complete without our very own Ericka Barboza? Join her as she shows you how to get involved with the community and the benefits that may come.

There is simply so much available at this WordCamp that it feels like I can hardly do it justice. Google ads, WordPress Security, enhancing the user experience and more are all available this weekend.

I wish I had the time to jump on a plane bound for WordCamp Panama right now!

Fun Facts About Panama City

This incredible location has a lot to offer camp-goers. So, while you’re there enjoying yourself, keep in mind that:

  1. Panama City is one of the few places in the world where you can see the sun rise on the Pacific Ocean while setting in the Atlantic. And no, I didn’t say that backward. This is because of the unusual S-shape of Panama in relation to other landmasses.
  2. Officially opened in 1914, the Panama Canal was the most expensive construction project of the time at a cost of $350 million dollars. Up to 6,000 workers could be seen at any given time building a single area.
  3. Panama City has a built-in rainforest. It’s the only capital city in the world that has one within its borders. That, alone, is worth a trip to visit. Well, at least for me anyway.

The city is indeed glorious to stand in as a lot of history unfolded in this small section of South America. It’s one of the many places I would love to visit, as well as the many tourists who also find the locale ideal.

Looking Forward to the Weekend, Panama!

Take in as much of WordCamp Panama as you can, and then be sure to venture out a bit and take in the splendor. Just don’t forget to stop by and say, “hi” to Ericka. She’ll be there to both speak and attend our table.

I’d like to express my gratitude to the sponsors, organizers, volunteers and attendees of WordCamp Panama. Without you, these camps wouldn’t be what they are today.

Perhaps one day I’ll be able to make it myself.

Have a fun and safe weekend, everyone!

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