WordPress Git Webinar

WordPress and GIT: Control Your Versioning Webinar

WordPress does more than just let you install plugins and themes. In fact, there is quite a bit you can do on the development-side. And using WordPress with GIT is one fantastic way to keep track of your progress.

And in this webinar, Marco Berrocal guides you through the process and shares tips and tricks to manage your system in GIT.

In Today’s WordPress and GIT Webinar…

GIT is a versioning tool to help you keep projects organized. It lets you keep track of any coding changes and contributions made to the development of any app or software.

In this instance, Marco is using WordPress and GIT to manage that development.

How to Use WordPress and GIT

In this webinar, you’ll install WordPress locally onto your computer and use GIT as your version control system. You’ll also get insight into how to use the online repository for your files as well as deploying your project.

All of this combined helps you streamline the process whether you’re working on building a theme or a plugin.

And although there are a lot of GIT commands to learn, the bottom line is being able to create a clean environment for yourself and your team, should you have one.

Using FTP and SSH Commands

File Transfer Protocol, or FTP, is a standard method for using software to connect remotely to a server. In this case, you’ll access a WordPress website from your computer system using software such as Cyberduck or Filezilla.

However, Marco will mostly show how to use SSH instead of FTP. This is a much different process as it uses the command lines instead of drag-and-drop software.

Terminal Commands for Mac, Linux, and Windows

The Terminal software is how you’ll connect using SSH. And Marco demonstrates the commands you’ll need to make your changes.

Although, keep in mind, the command line for Windows is a bit different than that of Mac or Linux.

Installing WordPress onto Your Computer

Using a local version of WordPress gives you the freedom to develop, change, modify, and code without worrying about visitors experiencing issues on a live website. In this instance, your computer will act and behave like a traditional web server.

Only without the massive amount of processing power behind it.

In this webinar, you’re using MAMP to install WordPress, which comes with everything you need to set up an actual working WordPress site.

Setting Up a GIT Repository

Setting up a GIT repository takes a bit of getting used to. But, it’s worth the effort to learn if you plan on doing a lot of development.

Let Marco show you how to set up the repository correctly and manage your project. In this example, he shows steps taken to set up a theme in the GIT repository.

This includes making changes to the style.css file to reflect the changes and versions of the project. This is also part of managing plugins.

Adding WordPress Changes to GIT

Once you start working on files, eventually you’ll have to submit them to GIT. This means you’ll have to “commit” the changes in stages. Then, you can check the status to make sure you’re ready to commit to GIT.

When making messages for GIT, always make sure you’re as descriptive as possible. The short message should be blunt and to the point about what is being done.

This will help later on when you’re looking back at different versions. For example, what if the code breaks somewhere and you need to know what was changed and what file was affected?

Using GITHub

GITHub is a platform that essentially displays repositories for sharing and storage. You’ve probably seen this referenced a few times if you’ve ever downloaded open-source software or examined the progress of a particular project.

It’s a very easy way to include coding and changes made by team members and contributors.

Maximize Efficiency with WordPress and GIT

All of the elements in this webinar are designed to streamline the development process of WordPress. Using GIT is perhaps one of the best ways to keep track of changes and making sure everything is stable before going live.

Think of it as a time-saver and a way to maximize your time. And if you have a remote team of developers, all the better.

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