4 Solid Reasons Why Your Small Business Website Should Be Mobile-Friendly

Responsive Website

Smart devices have made a serious impact in how people view the Internet. In fact, a large portion of people haven’t opened a phone book in the past several years. Because smart technology has evolved into what it is today, it’s vastly important that your business becomes mobile-friendly.

When I need a phone number for a local business, I Google it. Without having a website that is capable of adjusting to smaller screen resolutions, you could be inadvertently hurting your bottom line.

When you create a mobile-friendly website, you’re welcoming all users of the Internet. If visitors cannot use the site on their smartphones or tablets, you could be alienating those who are looking to spend money with your business.

Although there are many reasons why you should consider a responsive design, there are several that are supported by solid facts.

The following are some of the best reasons to have a mobile-friendly website.

1. SEO Purposes


Search Engine Algorithms

In a recent algorithm change by Google, websites that have not been optimized for mobile accessibility are penalized. This means that any content that helped owners reach a front-page search result will now be reduced.

Search engines nowadays are helping people find relevant and quality sites. Since most Internet activity is derived from mobile devices, this is a feature that search engines are looking for.

Even voice search optimization from mobile units plays a prominent role in SEO practices.

Being Labeled

Another addition Google is incorporating is the “mobile friendly” label in search. From the results page itself, consumers can see if the website is capable of handling a smartphone or not.

Some speculate that this will greatly reduce traffic to sites that are not considered mobile-friendly while boosting those that are. Without a responsive design, you could further decrease local visibility from customers like myself who use a smartphone for just about everything.

The label for mobility could be one of the most important reasons why many people will tap the link.

SEO for Speed and Functionality

When developing a responsive design for the site, customers expect the experience to be better than if it were on a desktop. Up to 53% percent of mobile users will abandon a site if it takes more than three seconds to load.

This weighs heavily on SEO as the site could be penalized for being too slow. Part of mobile-friendliness relies on accessibility and ease of use. If the design is poorly viewed on smartphones and tablets, it could drastically hurt positioning in search results.

2. Enhancing Sales and Leads


Attracting Customers

By 2021, it’s estimated that 53.9% of all retail eCommerce will happen over a mobile device. This means half of the sales of goods online are coming from those using smartphones and tablets.

However, not all eCommerce sites were designed with mobile technology in mind. In fact, about 35% of consumers will abandon a shopping site if the image isn’t big enough to see the product. Which means mobile graphic optimization is a must.

Improving Local Business

The aspect of an online store is only part of how mobile-friendliness improves sales and leads. A large portion of people are more likely to make purchases from a company they can research on their smartphones.

In today’s economy, feeling connected to a business through online interaction builds trust in the brand. A website that is easy to read and navigate is an efficient way to engage those users.

3. Remaining Competitive


Beating Local Competition

Online marketing and digital interaction are important aspects when it comes to remaining competitive. The activity your business has on the Internet can easily play into the success in a brick-and-mortar location.

It’s safe to assume that your direct competition has already built a responsive design for their site. When you don’t create a mobile-friendly website of your own, you may be helping those businesses by giving them sales.

It’s imperative to prepare the site for local SEO for both mobile and desktop computer systems.

More Mobile Users Taking to the Web

As of 2014, mobile devices surpassed desktop computers for accessing the Internet. This statistic alone should influence your decision to have a mobile-friendly website.

Each year, more people take to the worldwide web from smartphones and tablets to find everything from shoes to the best place in town to get a pizza. If you want to remain competitive, a mobile design for the website is necessary.

4. Building the Brand’s Reputation


Maintaining a Strong Reputation

The online reputation of a business can influence local shopping. While marketing campaigns and social media can help boost this reputation, the website will also play a role in how people view the company.

Without a responsive design, some visitors may assume that the business isn’t professional enough. Perhaps important information may be too difficult to read causing people to leave the site.

In any case, a mobile design can influence how well local and global customers view the brand.

Mobility is the Future

What it all boils down to is how successful you want your business to be. If you want to capitalize on the success of the Internet, you need to create a mobile-friendly website.

This includes everything from the speed of the server to image optimization on the site. Don’t assume that the pages you’ve had up and running since before the turn of the century are going to help you.

It’s a mobile world, and you need to keep up the pace if you want to surpass your competition. Don’t forget, with GreenGeeks, you are guaranteed  a mobile-friendly website when hosted on a WordPress platform.

1 thought on “4 Solid Reasons Why Your Small Business Website Should Be Mobile-Friendly”

  1. Hey Josh
    Thanks for the interesting article! Couldn’t agree more with you. As of 2015, about 52.7 per cent of the global mobile population accessed the web using their mobile phones. The statistics clearly indicate the need to include mobile in business strategies as the web is going mobile. It won’t be wrong if I say that creating an app can take businesses to the pockets of customers.
    Megan barnett

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