While it may be hard to believe, EDGE has found that at least 50 unusual shark and ray species are facing extinction because of many threats. It may be hard to imagine a man-eating shark to be an endangered species, but most sharks are not man-eaters.
The idea that sharks are dangerous to humans has led many to have little pity towards them, but it is untrue. Most sharks will only attack humans in self-defense or by accident. Sharks are at the top of their respective food chains and losing the top of a food chain can alter it dramatically.
What is EDGE

The Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered group highlights and protects the world’s most unique endangered species. EDGE is a well-respected organization that determines and alerts the world about unusual animals and sea life dangers. Many of the lives it protects would get little to no attention from other agencies and animal protection groups.
What is Threatening These Mighty Predators

There are multiple factors that play a part such as climate change. For starters, the commercial fishing business is a huge threat. While these fishermen are not looking to catch sharks and rays, they do catch them. Fishing is vital to some countries economies and food chains, so stopping isn’t an option for them.
Many nations have begun more coastal development projects, which destroy the habitats for many of these unusual creatures. Many people think that fish and sea creatures simply need water to survive, however they require specific water temperatures and specific environments to survive. Destroying these habitats is the same as killing them.
A major threat to sharks and rays, as well as every sea creature, is the amount of plastic pollution in the ocean. Plastics are extremely harmful to all sea creatures. They do not naturally degrade, instead, they become microplastics and kill fish and sea creatures. These do not just kill sharks and rays, but also kill their main food sources.