WordCamp Minneapolis 2019

WordCamp Minneapolis

August 22nd through the 24th, make sure you attend WordCamp Minneapolis 2019! In fact, you could visit and meet up with our very own Philip Crout who will be in attendance while handing out some fun summer swag!

Held at the McNamara Alumni Center on campus at the University of Minnesota, it’s sure to be a lot of fun. Afterward, join everyone at the After Party at the Loring Pasta Bar & Restaurant.

What to Expect at WordCamp Minneapolis 2019

There is a lot going on this year, and the talks range from understanding online sales to plugin management in WordPress. Regardless of your interest, there is always something for almost everyone at WordCamp.

For example, you can attend talks like:

  • Practical SEO for WordPress Bloggers
    Knowing everything you can about search engine optimization fuels a successful blog. Nile Flores provides useful tips and basics about SEO focusing mostly on bloggers and other content creators.
  • Secure Your WordPress Site – And Your Business
    Online security is a primary concern whether you have a large corporation or a small business. Stacy Clements will help you understand security and how to protect your business and the website.
  • Level Up Your Analytics
    Knowing the basics of Google Analytics is helpful. But Lon Koenig will show you some of the more advanced elements to take GA even further, such as using the Tag Manager for tracking.
  • Design Systems
    The user experience is a vital element to online success from your website. In this talk, Joe Thomas explains how using design systems can improve engagement and drive greater levels of success.
  • Gamify task management. Take your turn, strategize, and WIN!
    Gamification is when you take a mundane activity and make it fun. This is to engage your mind and make the activity more of a game rather than a chore. Justin Foell shows how you can gamify management systems.

While Thursday the 22nd centers around WooCommerce and WordPress 101 courses, more talks are spread throughout Friday and Saturday. So the entire three days is full of information to help anyone take WordPress to the next level.

Fun Facts About Minneapolis/St Paul

The Twin-City area has a lot to offer anyone visiting WordCamp Minneapolis 2019. Whether you’re there for a day or staying longer, don’t forget to explore the surrounding area.

A few facts that may interest you include:

  1. About 15 of the Fortune 500 companies are based in the Twin Cities, including Best Buy.
  2. Minneapolis ranks third in terms of a theatre market, only being beaten out by New York and Chicago. So, why not take in a show or two while you’re there?
  3. More golfers call Minneapolis home than any other city in the US per capita. Take a relaxing day off and go hit the links!

Minneapolis and St Paul have so much to explore. But if you are short of time, try not to miss the Mall of America. With about 9.5 million square feet of shopping and exploration, it’s an incredible sight.

Attending WordCamps isn’t merely for the experienced programmer or website developer. All skill levels are welcome, and the speakers do a great job of making even the most advanced knowledge easier to absorb.

WordCamp Minneapolis, Here We Come…

This WordCamp has a lot to offer, and we’re pleased to be a sponsor of the event. Whether you’re interested in creating an online store or just want to get more out of personal blogging, you would be wise to attend WordCamp Minneapolis.

While you’re there, don’t forget to stop by and visit with Philip. He might have some goodies to hand out!

I’d like to take a moment and thank the volunteers, organizers, sponsors and attendees who work hard to make these WordCamps happen. It’s an incredible community full of awesome people with one drive – to make WordPress the best platform on the planet.

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