The Impact of Social Media on Your WordPress Site: 6 Stats You Can’t Ignore

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Social media access accounts for the most activity on the Internet. This is one of the driving forces behind why companies invest a great deal of effort and money into marketing on these platforms and why social media is so critical to the success of any business.

Although most experts will agree that social marketing is important in the development of a company’s online reputation, what are the numbers behind why this is such an import aspect?

Here are six stats about the impact of WordPress social media integration you can’t ignore.

1. Most Buyers Make Decisions from Social Media


Approximately 74 percent of online shoppers say that social media influences their decision to make a purchase. Things such as marketing products and services, advertisements and content contribute to how consumers view your company.

This is because of the trust those consumers will have in a business who seems to be more open in the public.

Building an online reputation begins with trust. The more active your social profiles are, the more likely people are going to engage the brand. By using the best social media marketing tools, you can easily engage that audience.

2. More People on Social Media

more people

It’s believed social media will reach about 3.02 billion people by 2021. This is a number that is constantly growing as these social hubs offer greater versatility. Because of this, it is increasingly more likely that adults will see branded advertisements and content from businesses.

Since WordPress incorporates automatic sharing plugins, you can reach these individuals without putting in additional effort to post your content. This means you can reach a wider range of users regardless of what social media sites they use, as long as the plugin supports that particular platform.

3. Images are Profound for Sharing


Articles with more images are twice as likely to be shared on social media if there is an image every 100 words. This means that posts from your WordPress website can be easily shared (thus repurposed) with a wider audience if you have images throughout the content.

By using plugins for social sharing buttons, you can create a web of marketing without actually pushing the content. All it takes is a few well-placed images that are relevant to the material.

4. More Purchases from Followers


Did you know that about 72% of millennials buy fashion and beauty products they see on social media? This is a prime example of how fans help drive sales. With the advent of social media and the development of the Internet, creating these fans is easier than it was in the 1900s.

By creating informative and engaging social posts, you can easily connect with your target consumer. Thanks to Twitter card plugins for WordPress, sharing the content is easier while enhancing engagement.

5. Content Marketing Generates More Leads


Statistically, marketing content created on your website will generate three times the leads as other methods. It also costs more than 60 percent less. This means that you’ll spend less money marketing your WordPress content while interacting with 300 percent more consumers.

You have many ways to drive content marketing from WordPress. Automatic sharing plugins, newsletter subscriptions and more can be used to engage visitors and attract a larger audience.

As WordPress is developed as a user-friendly experience, it doesn’t take a lot of effort for the average person to promote their business in such a way.

6. YouTube Engages More Young Adults than Cable Networks

The popular video sharing site of YouTube reaches more 18 to 49 year old viewers than any cable network in the United States. This means that more people are spending their time watching videos on YouTube than actual television.

Marketing your WordPress site on YouTube is simple when you create video content and link back to your site. However, you don’t need to stop there to engage your visitors. Using the embed code from YouTube, you can quickly add virtually any video content to your webpages in WordPress.

Several plugins are also available that you can use to integrate video content from YouTube to enhance the experience, such as using YouTube Embed Plus or YouTube Widget Responsive.

Leverage Your Own Social Media Profiles

Social media plays a dominant role in the lives of many. Ad revenues continue to grow each year for most of these hubs because of the impact it has on sales and leads from companies.

If you haven’t integrated these platforms onto your WordPress site, you may be missing out on a large target consumer base. From plugins to sharing tools, take advantage of WordPress in social media and enhance the way you do business. It’s safe to assume that your competitors are.

What kind of an impact has social media made on your site? What kind of a budget have you made for social marketing?

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