12 Must-Follow Tips For Writing a Killer Blog

blog tips

To quote a popular movie reference, “If you build it, they will come.” A blog can be a great marketing tool, as long as you have content that grabs visitors’ attention.

Anyone can write a post, but there is more to it than typing if you want to be successful. The following is a list of blog tips that you must follow which can help you build a killer blog.

1. Keep it Simple


Keeping the content simple is an important aspect to building a popular blog. It needs to be easy to read while still delivering information. One of the best methods to use is the Flesch-Kincaid measurement.

Using sites such as Readability-Score.com will help you create content that is easy to read as it uses this measurement. And if you use WordPress, you can install Yoast SEO which has a readability checker built into it.

According to researchers, the average reading level of most Americans is Grade 8. This means you want to avoid using heavy jargon or unnecessary words. Easy to read content is also easier to sift through.

Studies show visitors only absorb about 20% of your content as they sift to find specific content. Easier text gives them this ability.

2. Use Headers and Highlights


Headers and highlights grab the attention of the visitor. Using H1-H6 tags in the post, or even highlighting pertinent information in bold, make the content easier to glance over.

Remember those people who scan through content? Using headers and other highlighting formats help them find particular sections.

Experts believe header tags also play a role in SEO. While there is debate about how important of a role this is, sites that use headers are more frequent in the top 30 search results.

3. Using Bullet Points and Lists


Many believe bullet points and lists are one of the most active areas of a blog post. This is because it draws attention to information for the reader. Here is an example.

The five most important aspects to creating content for SEO purposes include:

  1. Keyword usage
  2. Relevant and quality content
  3. Header placement and usage
  4. Internal linking
  5. Proper XML sitemaps in search engines

4. Short Paragraphs Are Ideal


When you write shorter paragraphs, the content is easier to read through. You want to avoid what’s known as the, “wall of text.” This is when a paragraph is so long that it seems to go on forever.

Although many experts believe you should keep segments of text to less than 150 words, many will strive to be under 100.

Part of this has to do with the human brain. Paragraphs allow people to take a short pause and absorb the material. The longer the stretch of sentences, the less likely the visitor will remember what he or she just read.

5. Find Your Ideal Total Length

blog length

There is much debate about how long a post should be. Blog tips range from using quality-rich shorter posts to longer and more detailed pieces. However, the average long-copy format keeps people on the page 40% longer.

The perfect length for a blog post is subjective to industry, style, quality and purpose. It may take a bit of trial and error to find your perfect length. You may want to start with longer pieces to determine your “sweet spot,” though.

6. Understanding the Needs of the Audience

the audience

Understanding what it is your audience wants is vital to success. As a result, you can engage them further as they are more likely to peruse your other posts. There are six primary types of content you could create:

  • Q&A
  • Reviews
  • How-Tos
  • Regular content
  • Infographics
  • Listicles – or list articles

Posts that answer questions, reviews and instructional pieces are some of the most read material on the Internet. However, keep in mind this may also be subject to your industry.

I’ve seen health and fitness blogs do better with certain content and gaming sites with another.

7. Imagery Accentuates the Post


According to experts, adding optimized images can help accentuate the information. In one particular study completed by Mouseflow, a developer of heat-mapping technology, readers were more engaged in content that had graphic additions.

However, over saturating the post with images has potential to take away from the visitor experience. You need to find the “Goldilocks Zone” of image use for your site. Experts believe captions add more to the effect if you use them wisely on imagery.

8. Spelling and Grammar

spelling and grammar

You don’t need a BS in English studies in order to write good blog posts. However, you do need to practice good spelling and grammar. Not only does this affect how others understand the content, but it also denotes professionalism.

Studies show that grammar plays a strong role in credibility whether its personal or professional. Proofreading can help, but you may want to invest in spelling and grammar apps to help fine-tune your structure.

9. Avoiding Passive Voice

passive voice

Passive voice may be grammatically correct in most cases, but it can also show the content to be unprofessional, according to experts. This is a bit more tricky to master than other tips in this post. You need to have a grasp of passive and active verbs. Here is an example:

  • Passive: All of the bar codes are scanned by a computer.
  • Active: A computer scans all of the bar codes.

Can you see the difference? Essentially, it’s the comparison between past tense and current events. In this example, it’s the “are scanned” element of the first.

10. Adding Relevant Links

relevant links

Never underestimate the value of relevant internal links. These not only help the reader find more of your content, it also contributes to optimization of the site. Each link you place in your content is crawled by search engines.

In essence, you’re telling sites like Google which posts of your site are the most important.

Studies show internal links can improve the search engine ranking of a page exponentially.

Although this is subject to the page’s content and relevance, I’ve experienced how some websites generate an increase in search engine visibility of a single post by as much as 800 percent over the course of a month!

11. Adding the Social Element

social element

Although it’s difficult to write a post that will instantly go viral, adding the social element to your killer blog post can help you reach a wider audience.

As more than three billion people will be on social media by 2021, a well-developed post may find its way to a greater target audience. This may include people who might be interested in your post but didn’t know you exist.

The purpose of a good blog is to engage returning visitors while attracting new ones. The social element provides a platform to augment the blog’s ability to do this.

12. Video Additions to Content


Text isn’t the only type of content that can enhance a blog. By 2020, video streaming will account for 79% of all traffic on the Internet. Since platforms like YouTube can be easily accessible in a text blog post, you can encourage people to spend more time on your site.

This can help engage others on those video sites outside of your website as well.

Make Your Content Stand Out

Don’t let your blog hosting go to waste. Following even some of these blog tips, the website can be an integral part of your online success. It can contribute to driving sales, creating leads and boosting your reputation.

It’s this reason why many businesses are putting more effort to structuring quality content. From brand awareness to generating ad revenue, the possibilities are nearly unlimited.

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