WordCamp for Publishers Columbus 2019 – Recap

WordCamp Publishers Columbus 2019

On August 7th, I attended WordCamp Publishers 2019 in Columbus, OH. It was a long journey from Michigan, around 250 miles. And facing the blazing heat made the trip seem even longer.

First, I attempted to take a train. Unfortunately, there were no routes available. I was considering flying but decided to refrain adding to the carbon footprint of the world.

Instead, I settled on renting a beautiful Ford Fusion Hybrid for the journey.

Ford Fusion Hybrid

I was able to make the entire trip without refilling the tank. This was possible thanks to the Fusion’s 42-mpg rating and 25-mile electrical range. In other words, I saved a lot in terms of gas money as well as reducing carbon emissions.

These two aspects are always a bonus when it comes to travel.

Setting Up for WordCamp

After the drive, I was able to get our table set up and ready for the camp. This included picking up swag from the hotel, swapping out a graphic in our stand and making everything look nice for the next day’s festivities.

WordCamp Table Setup

Considering the amount of stuff I had to get done, I was still able to meet up with everyone at the Arepazo Tapas Bar Grille. At which point, I had some great Latin American cuisine and probably one the best margarita in town.

Latin Cuisine

Day One of WordCamp Publishers Columbus 2019

Much to my surprise, I found out that I wasn’t at a normal WordCamp as you might expect. The publisher events are a bit different. For one thing, the organizers focus more on publishers who happen to use WordPress.

It’s similar to a traditional camp, only the atmosphere of the sessions is a bit different.

Needless to say, the attendees were just as friendly and engaging as they are at other camps. I met with a lot of professionals in the industry who use WordPress to power their content campaigns.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to speak with everyone who stopped by. However, I did meet with Greg Grisolano, content developer for Land Line Magazine.

Shortly after that conversation, I met Susan Geary. Her blog center’s around roller skating and the various elements of this pastime. There’s a lot more to roller skating than I ever thought, and it’s a very interesting topic to say the least.

Day Two of WordCamp

The coffee that Thursday must have been stronger than it was the day before. For one thing, I felt more alert and awake. Not only that, but the venue also offered compostable coffee cups!

The coffee cups fit our message of eco-friendliness quite nicely.

Just as the day was starting to unfold, I met Norma Miller. She introduced me to reusable utensils, which are perfect for traveling. This way, I don’t have to feel guilty about dining out while using plastic ware.

Patrick Henderson

Norma captions for a lot of WordCamps around the country, and it was a great pleasure meeting up with her.

Running Out of Swag

This WordCamp, we at GreenGeeks introduced a new piece of swag: the glow-in-the-dark frisbee. We also provided matching screen and glass wipes, which were a huge hit. In fact, the wipes were wiped out during the event.

I have to say, the frisbees themselves are an interesting touch.

GreenGeeks Swag

The End of a Great Week

WordCamp Publishers Columbus 2019 came to a close at the end of the Columbus Clippers game. If you don’t know, it’s the local AAA baseball club and a local favorite.

Columbus Clippers Game

I would like to thank everyone who made WordCamp Publishers Columbus 2019 successful for the third consecutive year running. The organizers, sponsors, volunteers and attendees are who make these camps happen.

Thank you, everyone, and I hope to see you all next year.

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